

Getting Started at River Park Hospital

River Park Hospital has compiled some resources to help you learn more about how to get yourself or your loved one the mental health care needed to lead a healthy, functional lifestyle. From details on what you need to pack, to more information on local organizations and support groups that deal with mental health issues, we have put together some useful information to get you started.  


Learn more about what you can bring onto the facility for each age group, get information on what documentation you need, and more.

Helpful Links

Browse some of the links we’ve compiled, which include more information on mental health illness and descriptions of common treatment modalities used at River Park Hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some of the most common inquiries we get about our robust programming for people of all ages.

Always Here to Help

River Park Hospital is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to address your questions and concerns. To schedule a no-cost assessment or for more information about our programs, please call 800-621-2673 today. In case of medical emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

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